Saturday, March 26, 2022

Pushing and Pulling

Early Friends believed that we could receive Divine Guidance for our lives.  That we could listen to the "still small voice within" for that guidance.  They were clear that we had to still ourselves so we were not let by ego or vanity.  Below is a quote from a modern day meditation teacher.

 This path of using life to evolve spiritually is truly the highest path.  There really is no reason for tension or problems.  Stress only happens when you resist life’s events.  If you’re neither pushing life away or pulling it towards you, then you are not creating any resistance.  You are simply present.  In this state, you are just witnessing and experiencing the events of life taking place.  If you choose to live this way, you will see that life can be lived in a state of peace.

Michael Singer

Another Quote:

I am sorry there is fear in the world.  That is what you have come to transform.  I am sorry for the forgetting that cause dark nights of loneliness for all of you.  You have come to walk in the forgetting in order to move to the remembering again.  In dark nights, in fear, ask your heart,  “Is this all there is?”  Your heart knows the answer.

 This second quote suggests the dark night of the soul experience where we forget God - that while pushing or pulling and coming from a place of fear that we are forgetting God, but this opens up the opportunity to be remembering God again and moving towards the Holy again.  The question is this all there is?  Is posed as a way to notice if we have gotten caught up in a world of superficial or illusionary concerns.

What is your experience with the pushing and the pulling of life described above and of the just being?

What pushing or pulling might you need to lay down?

What happens if you ask your fear – Is this all there is?

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