Many years ago now a woman named Erica Chenoweth decided to do a thesis on the effectiveness of violence vs non-violence based upon the study of civil wars. She thought violence would be more effective and was surprised to see that non-violence was. She went on to study how dictators are overthrown. She discovered there to her surprise again, that it only took 3% of the population protested the dictator...although they had to be consistently in the street over a prolonged period of time - they could overthrow him! She also found that the most effective movements did not rely too heavily on one tactic but used a variety of tactics that escalated over time.
This resonates for me with a long held frustration with US protest movements that they rely almost exclusively on marches and rallies with a slight peppering of civil disobedience. A movement leader, George Lakey, has often lamented that US movements try to get by on one off events (like rally's and marches instead of building a campaign with a strategy over time. And sadly many movement leaders do not even know what that means to build a campaign. (Histories of the Civil Rights movement are very instructive in terms of the strategy and many steps that were planned for in each campaign.) I have often lamented that Americans are taught in public school that the only way to effect political change is through Congress. So we write our Congress and then don't know what to do. This is sadly evident right now during a crisis of democracy where the phones are ringing off the hook in DC and there are some protest rally's happening...and yet mostly people are sitting in silent horror.
So this is a clarion call to ask you to start understanding the difference between protest and resistance and that it will take organized campaigns of resistance to stop this fascist coup. We must stop acting like this is just a bad presidential election outcome, or that we just have to make it two years to an imagined next election. We must actively try to stop the destruction of our democracy and resist by not giving our cooperation to any of the evil. One such kind of tactic which can be organized into a campaign with goals and timetables is Boycott.
By now it is fairly well known that a loose coalition of groups called 50501 have called first for a President's day protest, then a day of no spending on Feb 28th (which was again a one off and not as effective as needed) and now for a longer week of boycott against Amazon this week March 7th to the 14th. This to be followed by a week long (March 21- 28th) black out of Nestle (know of old for things like selling poisoned baby formula in 3rd world countries) and then April 7th thru the 14th of Walmart (whose family wealth if combined would make them wealthier than Musk.) and then April 21st thru April 28th of General Mills. (They are not just a cereal company....look for the extensive list of food companies they own.)
Now given the information at the beginning of this post - why this strategy? Essentially we have had an oligarchic take over - it may look like the Republican Party took over to some- but as Musk's role in this and the attendance of all the top Billionaire's to the inauguration makes very clear - the rich are now running this country and the policies that are being made are for their advantage and no one else's. (The cutting of medicaid to make a tax break for the rick also frames that very clearly.) We cannot vote out of office the megalomaniac Millionaires running Congress or the White House. But we can refuse to participate in their wealth machines. This is how you vote against them with your wallet!
Is this strategy effective?
While the corporately controlled media many failed to report on the outcomes of these boycotts here is some information.
The WA Post lost 17% of its readership after it came out that Bezos (its owner) squashed their editorial endorsement of Kamala Harris.
After a bunch of companies dropped their Diversity and Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies a boycott of Target was held for dropping theirs (I did not feel this was entirely fair since many companies had done this and Target had been more robust previously than many places that had no policy to drop) None the less they lost $15 billion in stocks due to that (before the whole stock market started dropping.) But the point is the boycott made its impact.
Tesla soared as Trump came to office and Musk gained power - but once it became clear how evil Musk is, protests started at his stores and people started trying to sell their Tesla's - the value of the used Tesla dropped, but the stock is down 43% since the beginning of the year. See chart below. And this is all mostly not from an organized campaign but from people hating him. Granted as the richest man in the world he is not probably feeling it yet...but let's keep it up. He is feeling the political problem of it.
The Guardian reported on Feb 18th that 24% of Americans had already reported shifts in where they bought things based upon politics
The day long boycott: The traditional media did not even cover the out come at all. But Amazon who was included since everything was - saw an up to 19% drop, Forbes (of all things) reported Target's web traffic was down 9% that day and in stores shoppers down 11%. Also a poll of customers reported that 16% said they participated in the day of boycott - which would mean 40 million people nationally! The People are just getting started. People are getting madder and madder and looking for things to do and the word is just getting out.