Sunday, February 26, 2012

Question: A poem

Why do we travel down wrong turns and dead ends?
Why does that path look different than it is?
Why do we see things through our own projective lens?
Why is reality different than vision?
Why do shared values manifest so differently?
Why do people hurt each other even while never intending to?

How can this be when all of us share the longing for love?  The dream of a better world?
  have always wanted it different, better for our children?
How can those shared aspirations wind up using different words?
   words which then separate?
How can the wish for unity and goodness get manifested in blue states and red states       
   (and minorities within each of those?)
How did we loose our way while trying to find each other?

Couldn’t it surely, somehow be that we will find each other even so?
Shouldn’t the arc of the universe bend towards cooperation, growth, unity, coming together, building, making it better? 
Maybe really that is the truth hidden in the current wars, is less wars than ever before?
Maybe that is the truth hidden in domestic violence, is less dv than ever before?
Oh Dear, not less starvation than ever before?
But more technology than ever before (created to solve problems and make things better)

Here we are all somewhere: tying a shoe, waiting for a bus, a little older than last year, settling about some things and striving around other things.
somehow picking out what we think should be important.
I want to die knowing I did what my soul came here to do.
My real grief is for our collective lost possibilities.

Do you want to know what I really think?
Do you also long for the earth healed?
Do you want to join the revolution?
Do you hear the voice of spirit? Of the Old ones? Of the Young ones?  Calling us?

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